Integrated land capability enhancement



Enhancing compliance and risk management through improved process transparency and accountability at a leading Australian financial institution.

Enhancing land capability processes with integrated business management.


Holocentric partnered with a defence organisation facing the challenge of developing the HQ BMS (Business Management System), which needed to incorporate accountabilities, business processes, and direct linkages to the Capability Life Cycle (CLC).

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We worked closely with senior leadership to understand and address their critical business imperatives, fostering collaboration across multiple departments and branches within the organisation.

The defence organisation realigned its land capability processes to integrate with the Capability Life Cycle (CLC). Their HQ BMS now serves as the central repository for understanding how the organisation executes CLC and manages business processes. This achievement was made possible through the Defence IBSS (Integrated Business Support System), utilising the Holocentric platform to consolidate accountabilities, core processes, enabling processes, and governing policies into a unified framework.


Through digitisation, the defence organisation realised four key benefits:

  • Improved time to efficiency for new starters 
  • Business continuity across posting cycles 
  • Increased transparency across the division, driving deeper understanding and an ability to improve BAU 
  • Increased capacity to react and adapt to organisational change.

Holocentric success stories

Our clients have turned obstacles into opportunities with Holocentric, setting new benchmarks for success and realising business at the peak of efficiency, compliance and resilience.

Bank compliance and risk enhancement

Using Holocentric software, a leading Australian financial institution successfully enhanced compliance and risk management by mapping processes, risks, and controls across diverse business segments, resulting in improved transparency, accountability, and effective risk mitigation capabilities.

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Empowering local government process maturity

Holocentric software empowered a large local government authority to achieve significant progress in process maturity, enhancing clarity, accountability, and accessibility of operational processes across high-priority business areas, sparking interest and requests for similar implementations in other departments.

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University ERP transformation support

Holocentric supported a university in a multi-year Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) transformation, resulting in enhanced student and staff experiences, optimised finance and HR processing times, and a planned expansion of ERP modules.

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Electricity safety transformation support

Holocentric supported an electricity supply company in implementing a safety and risk transformation programme, resulting in a 67% reduction in incidents and continued active use of the system throughout the organisation.

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