Do your employees need coaching or mentoring?

Empowering your employees

Every successful business leader understands the importance of establishing and refining business processes. By investing attention and energy over time, you are nurturing your business so that it can grow. Managing and empowering your people is no different. Ask yourself these questions; have I modelled a career path for my employees? How does retention impact my business? No matter how experienced or well-informed your employees are, there are always opportunities to further their learning. This growth is vital to them, and the success of your business.

Lots of questions to ask

When you think about empowering your employees, some questions that may come to mind include:

  • Do your employees know what their core strengths are? If not, how do they find out?
  • Do they know how to apply these strengths?
  • Do they have the confidence to talk to leaders and managers about how they feel?
  • What is making, or has previously made it difficult for them to deliver on the organisation’s goals?

Coaching and mentoring

This is where coaching and mentoring can play a significant role. Great coaches ask great questions, but it doesn’t stop there. They also demand, in a polite and positive manner, that you deliver great answers. From personal experience, my own coach had to employ the Five Why’s technique before I was able to articulate to myself, and to her, exactly what my goals and ambitions were. Having done that, I was able to put plans in place to achieve those goals. The reflection is – it wasn’t until someone else asked, and I wrote down those goals, that I was able to make those plans.

Coaching depends on the values of honesty, integrity and transparency, supported by the principles of positive psychology, self-determination, wellbeing, mindfulness and resilience. Coaching isn’t a one-hour meeting over a cup of coffee. It’s a process, and like your business processes, it can be mapped out. The process needs to be allowed to ebb and flow. A great coach doesn’t necessarily need to know in detail about what you do. They will ask the right questions so that they can understand you and guide you.

Mentoring is slightly different. A mentor is more likely someone with experience in the field you are interested in, who can pass on their experience that you can resonate with and learn from.

Unlock your own hidden potential

Even though coaching and mentoring are different,  they’re both about you, and only you. What’s important here is to find your intrinsic motivation. Some key aspects of this might be your level of emotional intelligence, and how well you read and respond to the dynamics of a modern business environment. It may also include your level of self-determination, how much control you have or want to have over your personal and career direction.

The question is whether you’re open to being vulnerable to let someone else help you. If so, coaching or mentoring may help you unlock hidden potential that you may not have even known you had.

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